Nigerian Youths To Benefits As The Main Purpose Of #SenateYouthRoundTable Unveiled

The purpose of this roundtable is to review the efficacy of policies, programs and other interventions that are intended to reduce the political marginalization and support the development needs of today’s youth.

Nigeria’s recent economic downturn has exposed the challenges that millions of young people face in starting their lives and finding their rightful place in society.  Youth unemployment rates are at historic highs.  At the same time, efforts to diversify the economy have created uncertainty about the skills-building and training needs  that tomorrow’s work force needs to acquire today.


Youth development has serious political, economic and social implications for our society.  This is a critical issue that requires the collaboration of government, the private sector and civil society.  We must all must come together to listen, discuss and better understand how central youth development is to our country’s overall stability and national security.

For this reason, the Senate has decided to conduct a roundtable to hear the public and private sector ideas for moving the issue of youth development to the center of the national discussion about Nigeria’s political and economic future.  Not only is Nigeria changing, but the world is rapidly becoming more competitive and technologically advanced. 


The Senate has invited the ministries, departments and agencies (MDA’s) that implement the federal government’s youth development and employment programs.  
Also, CSO’s and private sector organizations that are on the frontlines of youth advocacy and program activities have been invited to participate.  Panelists will discuss their missions related to youth development and share insights about the issues they are facing with program implementation in the face of the current affairs affecting youth.